Thursday, February 08, 2007

Friends out for Samba!
Uma Princessa do Mangueira
With Carnaval approaching quickly, many of the Samba schools across Brasil are in full swing with rehearsals. As part of this, as we are learning, many of the schools are open to "the public" (basically who ever wants to go and has R$20 to pay the cover) Saturdays until the week of Carnaval. Last Sat, since Sierra was spending the night at a friend's house, Joe and I took advantage of the opportunity to visit Mangueira's Escola de Samba with a few other friends and see what this samba business is all about. I have to admit, the energy of the drums is intoxicating--or was it the cervaja of the evening that was intoxicating?
Here's Joe after he took his turn on beerrun!
Me with "the boys".
Our homework now consists of determining which Blocos (Block Party) we'll attend. I have been told of a couple that are geared toward criancas (children) and happen mostly during the day. The parades are another huge attraction and last from 10 or 11 p.m. until 7 or 8 a.m. We have the whole week off from school during Carnaval, which ends on Ash Wednesday, so we should have plenty of time for recooperation following whatever festivities we do end up finding. Should be a great way to kick off lent with plenty reasons to abstain after almost five days of solid parties.
As this finds many of you in the frozen northern hemisphere while we sweat through our days this month, I'll leave you with a beautiful photo of Botafogo beach at night, taken by a friend of ours.


Tammy said...

That looks extremely fun! Happy Carnaval!! (is that the correct phrase?)

Sara Wicht said...

Pretty much Happy Carnaval works. The Portuguese expression, I would guess to be, Bem Festa. Good Party literally. :-) Should be interesting. We watched a couple of blocos rehearse this weekend. Can't wait to see when everyone is all dressed up!

Rachel's Family said...

Sara! You look happy, beautiful, and full of life! It is frigid here, but baby Owen keeps me happy and warm. I was looking at your list of 5 weird things...I have to say that my feet are the cutest things ever! But, since you have a thing for smelling stuff, you probably wouldn't like 'em anyway! :-) Take care & God bless!