Thursday, February 15, 2007

Deborah Colker
Sierra has been privileged two times now as a guest at the Deborah Colker dance studio in Gloria, RJ. Escola Americana has a dance and language teacher who works with the lower school children as a specials teacher. Lorraine does amazing work with the kids in incorporating dance and language and literature. Sierra has really come to enjoy her Thursdays with Ms. Lorraine, and Lorraine has become somewhat of an adult support person for Sierra at school. If she is having any issues with other students or concerns about classes, Sierra asks to see Lorraine before the school counselor. This speaks highly of Lorraine. Lorraine, who has worked with internationally known dance studios, has a professional connection with Deborah and her dancers. Lorraine has twice now been able to set up a visit to the studio for the students at Escola Americana. Wednesday afternoon, Sierra and I, joined by about 20 other Escola Americana teachers and students, went to Deborah Colker's dance studio for a special viewing of a rehearsal. The particular show we were graced with watching happens in and around the transparent box shown in the pictures. The first photo of the solo woman in the "box" is Deborah herself, the other is part of her company. It was a really fantastic experience. Sierra sat in awe, only feet away from the movement with her mouth wide open the entire time.

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