Friday, March 28, 2008

Shopping, Rio style.

I've mentioned my fondness for street venders before. In particular, I have talked about how much I enjoy sitting on the beach and having the "drive by" salesmen stop in asking if I would like new earrings, a dress, a popsicle, a sandwiche, a beer, a beach ball...sometimes I fall asleep with the cantar of their advertising ringing in my head.
Last weekend we were at our favorite beach in Rio, Grumari, with Francesca and Sophie, enjoying the slightly overcast, breezy beautiful day.

When this guy showed up.The sales tactics of the beach venders are phenomenal. This guy started unpacking and refolding his loot about 15 feet from our chairs. He was methodical and careful and flamboyant in the way he removed a dress or skirt or conga from the bag, shook it in the air to wipe out any wrinkles beginning to appear, and then carefully refolded or rehung the garment slowly before moving on to the next piece. He's no dumby. There was endless feet of open beach space where he would have had plenty of room but no audience. It was a silent sales pitch. And it worked.The red caught her eye, she beckoned him over, she tried the dress on (right there on the beach), "Please Mom! It's only R$25,00." It looked so cute; I couldn't resist. And note: the white sunglasses on top of her head in this picture were purchased ON the beach, the DAY BEFORE! A fresh suntan, a dip in the ocean, and shopping all in one stop. What more could a girl ask for?


Anonymous said...

WOW that looks cool.
it sounds like you can get anything at the beach
how about a burger and frys?

Sara Wicht said...

Yes! You can even buy a burger and fries.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... Ahhhhh... Good Times, Good Times.