Monday, June 23, 2008

SugarLoaf Mountain
One of Rio's busiest tourist attractions is Pao de Acucar--Sugarloaf. Last week, before venturing to the north of Brazil to visit family, my friend Tania stopped for a few days in Rio to see me and Sierra. It was a busy bunch of days with the end of the school year activities and preparing to travel to the states for holiday. However, we managed a morning visit to Sugarloaf while she was with us. Seems ironic actually, we have lived in Rio for two years and this was the first visit up the mountain for me and Sierra. It is amazingly beautiful!

Here are me and Sierra with the statue of Christ behind my head. You can barely see the little outline of Christ's figure in this photo.But, I think you can make it out a little more clearly in this one of me and Tania.This is the marina of Botafogo. The landscape--my my my--always amazes me. It doesn't matter how many times I see the awesome landscape here; it takes my breath away.

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