Monday, June 23, 2008

Old Blue!
My dad has this truck. It was my grandfather's pick up. I think the first truck my grandfather ever bought. It became my father's truck when my parents were newly married. It never had a working radio that I can remember. Instead, we would sing, "I've Been Working on the Railroad" at the tops of our lungs all the way to town--Mom harmonizing to the tune her children produced. My brother, sister, and I all learned how to drive in this truck--3 speed on the tree. We drove mainly through the fields, but my brother and sister both took turns driving this truck to school during their high school years. We hauled a LOT of wood in the fall in the bed of this truck. I spent hours as a little girl behind the wheel while it was parked in the yard, pretending to drive that truck all over the continental United States.

Old Blue had been parked in the woods for many years until last summer when my dad got a wild hair up his you-know-what and called the country mechanic. In turn, Old Blue is road ready! Nothing has been done to restore the body, but the shifter was moved to the floor instead of the steering column and our trusty country mechanic did whatever country mechanics do and got Old Blue purrin!

Well, I insisted Dad drive Old Blue last week to retrieve my car from storage. And let me tell ya, I had a permanent smile the whole while!!

Here's Dad getting ready to go! (He has a permanent smile behind the wheel too.)Here's my self-portrait while riding in Old Blue! My brother arrives for a visit next week. I can't wait to take a picture of him driving it!!! I only wish my sister was coming too. Can you see the photo-op now--all three of us in Old Blue. I can hear "I've Been Working on the Railroad" as I imagine it! Ahhhh, the glory of childhood memories.

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