Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ela Foi! Para Estados Unidos! AWWWW...I was thinking just now in the taxi on the way home from the airport, "When was the first time I rode in an airplane?" Unless I'm totally wrong, I was 18 or 19 before I took my first trip by air. All previous trips had been road trips. I think the first flight I ever took was for my nephew's baptism in 1992! Well, times are achangin ladies and gentelmen. Living abroad has done that for us by and large. I have to say, I'm starting to get used to the airport. I don't have the same uneasy anxiety in prepartion anymore. (Joe might argue with me on this one.) Oh, don't let me fool ya, it's still there some, but not nearly as bad as I had it 2 years ago.
Sierra, in her 9 years, is a seasoned traveler; however, she suffers my flight anxiety, that is for sure. My poor little girl hardly ate anything all day today as she waited for departure time.
Global Finals are this week! And if you don't know what that is, check out: Her team placed FIRST at the Brazilian Destination Imagination Celebration in March here in Rio, earning the rite to participate in this year's Global Finals Celebration in Knoxville, TN! Sierra and I spent the weekend packing and preparing and reminding her to listen to the adults/chaperones and getting excited, and tonight she is off.

The fact that she barely ate all day didn't stop her from smiling and running around the airport with her team mates during check-in. They are pumped! Joe is one of the co-managers and will meet the team in Knoxville Monday. The kids are looking forward to seeing him. I'm happy that he's able to participate in Globals. They worked hard together this year. He deserves it.

As for flying, I guess with all of the technology we have today it's no wonder my child is far more traveled than I was at her age. It makes the world seem small. To think, I'm ALL the way in another country from my daughter this week. What would my parents have thought if they could have said that when I was nine? Makes you wonder.

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