Saturday, May 31, 2008
A moment of quiet and then she started rolling...
You are the...
cheese on my macaroni.
the pesto on my pasta.
the cloth in my shirt.
the sheets on my bed.
the pillow under my head.
the stink in my fart. (both of us cracked up laughing on this one)
butter on my bread.
the salt on my french fries. (we don't like ketsup)
the time in my clock.
the mango in my fruit salad.
the sweetener in my coffee.
the mentos in my pocket.
the book on my shelf.
the granola in my yogurt.
the belt around my waist.
the frame of my photo.
And Sierra insists on including...the snot in my tissue.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sierra, in her 9 years, is a seasoned traveler; however, she suffers my flight anxiety, that is for sure. My poor little girl hardly ate anything all day today as she waited for departure time.
Global Finals are this week! And if you don't know what that is, check out: Her team placed FIRST at the Brazilian Destination Imagination Celebration in March here in Rio, earning the rite to participate in this year's Global Finals Celebration in Knoxville, TN! Sierra and I spent the weekend packing and preparing and reminding her to listen to the adults/chaperones and getting excited, and tonight she is off.

The fact that she barely ate all day didn't stop her from smiling and running around the airport with her team mates during check-in. They are pumped! Joe is one of the co-managers and will meet the team in Knoxville Monday. The kids are looking forward to seeing him. I'm happy that he's able to participate in Globals. They worked hard together this year. He deserves it.
As for flying, I guess with all of the technology we have today it's no wonder my child is far more traveled than I was at her age. It makes the world seem small. To think, I'm ALL the way in another country from my daughter this week. What would my parents have thought if they could have said that when I was nine? Makes you wonder.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
4th Grade Music Concert--Blue Moon
One of Grandma's favorite songs is Blue Moon. Sierra's class sang this song this year for their Music Presentation. This if for you, Grandma!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I have finally broke down. I did what I have been saying for almost 2 years I did not think I would do while living here. I have finally cracked. It has taken over...and I am ecstatic.
The new do-everything gal will work for us on Fridays. She will arrive after we have left for school and immaculately clean our apartment before we return from school in the afternoon. During the day, she will specifically iron my clothes, go to the farmer's market for fresh produce, and chase the dust bunnies from the corners of our humble home. Her day will not end there, however, after we are finished with our school day the do-everything gal will stay with us to keep a watchful eye over Sierra as I take a moment to recouperate from what are often long days at work. On Saturday mornings, she will walk to the local bakery, pick up a few loaves of fresh french bread for us (their mini ones, not full sized), and prepare a pot of coffee for me before going home.
The silver lining my friends. I am learning that life is all about the silver linings. Find them! Where ever they may be. Cherish them! Celebrate them! Smile for the simple things.
Monday, May 05, 2008

Kris, Mara (the bride), Me, Lena

Me, Liana, and Alvaro

Suzanne, Mark and me.
Friday, May 02, 2008

Here are a few of the ladies from school--Parrish, Suzanne and Ana. It is always fun to have events like this with colleagues, seeing everyone dressed up, hair done, and with make up is a welcomed change to the daily grind we normally find ourselves in.
And the events just continue...Taking advantage of the Thursday holiday, I decided to prepare a Mexican style dinner for a few friends Wednesday night since I have this absurd amount of flour tortillas stashed in my freezer. It was phenomenal! I have started cooking again since Joe is no longer here, and I have to admit, I really enjoy it. I had forgotten how much fun it is.
I have to say I outdid myself on this meal. I prepared: beef tacos with all the fixins, chicken fajitas, spanish rice (from scratch not a box by the way), and fresh guacamole. It was divine.Throughout the Mexican fiesta, Sierra and her friend Luisa played with the digital camera in her room, creating their own unique "photo shoot". This shot is one from that series. I can hear the laughter ringing through this picture; her smile is so big.
So we find ourselves in the weekend once again with very little plans other than to relax and read and be...moving one moment at a time. We have faced some intense and serious decisions in the past 2 weeks. What I have learned is that life is largely unpredictable. We assume that every thing is status quo, moving along as planned, but without any warning, things change. Learning how to react to that is the challenge we face. In the meantime, remembering all that is good and all there is to be grateful for is of utmost importance.