Friday, March 23, 2007

When in Rome?
One would assume that the old phrase, "When in Rome." means we would wear something similar to the above.
When in Brazil...
Play Soccer!
Sierra is now playing futebol with Escola Americana and LOVING it! She received her uniform this week. As you can see, she looks GREAT! I of course wanted her to LOVE volleyball; however, it was not high on her list of activities for second semester. Being the good mother that I am, I forfeited my selfish desires and supported her choice to play soccer instead. I'm just thankful she found a sport she is enjoying.

It's actually hard to live here and NOT enjoy soccer. People of all ages can be seen with a soccer ball at their feet in all places at all times of day, and when there is no soccer ball, an empty bottle or can or nut from a tree is a great substitute for a ball. Mia Hamm would like it here.

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