Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm tellin ya.
The material is endless.
Here, from a former colleague of mine:

Just read this on a Biology exam...
"Outline two modern examples where evolution can be observed"

The answer: "museums and the zoo".
And another one from my cousin who is also a teacher:

We're reading "The Odyssey" and today we read when Odysseus' nurse says she'll keep his secret because she "fed him at the breast." The students couldn't understand how Odysseus could be breast-fed by someone other than his mother. They wanted this whole lesson on breast-feeding, and I wouldn't give it to them. One of the boys pipes up: "I can tell you all about breast-feeding. It was the best 3 years of my life." He kept a straight face...I didn't.
If you have one to share, send me an email at

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