Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday afternoon, last minute adventure

Look at this tree! It's beautiful. It's just a tree, but it is really beautiful. In theory, all pictures in this post can be enlarged by double clicking on them.
(I hope theory holds out.)

Ring, Ring...
Liana: "Hey Sara. What're you guys up to?"
Me: "Well, thinking about the beach."
Liana: "Yeah, well Alvaro and I are watching the clouds roll in and we were thinking about going to the zoo."
Me: "There's a zoo in Rio?"
The clouds in fact rolled in, the breeze picked up, and there is a zoo in Rio.
Although this is part of the main entrance to the zoo, it was actually the last picture I took today. We seem to do things in reverse order often, so it's actually fitting to take a picture of Joe and Sierra walking into the zoo while on the way to the car to leave.

Popcorn anyone? Caramel or Butter? Check out the popcorn machine attached to the bicycle. Now this is what I call a traveling salesman.

Sierra posed for several pictures--as usual. I think the monkey in the cage behind her could have cooperated better. He has to be used to having his picture taken. He should be well practiced. He should never take a bad picture. Maybe he was just tired of all the shutterfly today. Poor monkey.

Sierra and I posed for a photo-op with the elephant in the background. This elephant knows how to cooperate with passersby snapping countless pictures. Several times he actually appeared to strike a pose. To our right, the left side of the picture, you can see our friend Alvaro and his son Nicolas having their picture taken too. Liana's arm/hand are the very left edge of the picture. The six of us walked the entire grounds of the zoo today, enjoying all the caged animals. It was the perfect way to spend a cooler cloudy day in Rio.


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Anonymous said...

The trip to the zoo was pretty cool.
