Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Toto, We're Not in Kansas Anymore...Or are we?
The following is so random. I warn you now.

Rio de Janeiro is a megatropolis. 11.5 MILLION people live in Rio. I often refer to this city as the "concrete jungle" (thank you Bob Marley for the phrase). However, since our return last month, I have been serenaded by the random rooster cock-a-doodle-doo at all hours of the day. Two nights ago, the cock crowed at 3 a.m.--And woke me up! I look out my windows and only see concrete buildings between us and the ocean...where in the heck is the farm? and who in their right mind would raise chickens in the city? Sure, the rainforest is off to the right, but it's the side of a mountain...can you raise chickens on a mountain?

So, my question is this: can you raise chickens in an apartment?

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That would be one stinky and messy apartment...

Hmmm...let us know when you figured it out.