Saturday, May 26, 2007

End of the Year Party!?
End of the year? Didn't I just arrive here? Didn't I just unpack my classroom and my closet in a new space, in a new city, in a new country on a new continent? I cannot believe the first year in Rio is drawing to a close all ready. I think about all we have seen and done, all the people who have blessed our lives, all the learning experiences along the way, all the growing each of us has survived. This place has become "home". The people here have become "family". The customs have become the way it is--"normal".
The headmaster and his wife, Pam and Peter Cooper, hosted an end of the year party at their home in Jardim Botanico last night. The Coopers always give fabulous parties with food and drink and dj. There is socializing and conversation upstairs, dancing and craziness downstairs and never enough time in the night to get around to everybody for even a short conversation. The Coopers will leave EARJ this year. Peter is retiring, and they are returning to the states to live. We have a new headmaster hired. Rumor has it he and his wife will occupy the Cooper's house, and we are all keeping our fingers crossed that they will host the same fabulous parties. I think it is a good thing to unwind, kick back, and relax with those you work with day to day. It is always fun to meet the spouse or partner of your colleagues and enjoy some time outside of the work responsibilities.
As you can see, Joe worked his way onto the crowded dancefloor at one point last night and squeezed his way right next to the DJ to dance with Lena (he is at the back of this picture, white shirt). He has so much fun. Many of our friends can often be heard saying, "Look at Joe! He's so funny. Where's he going? Oh my goodness, what is he doing Sara?" These phrases are usually said as Joe is heading off, mixing in a crowd, checking something out at a closer distance, or doing anything the rest of us are too reserved to attempt. He makes life fun for everyone.

The group of women who have become my friends here are phenomenal, funny, smart, beautiful women. Each one is inspirational. Each one is amazing. Each one is a blessing for whom I give great thanks. Here is the group of us last night, Jennifer is missing (she and Valdir had other obligations with visiting friends and were unable to attend the party). From left to right: back row; Francesca's sister, Myked, Suzanne, me, Isabella. front row; Julie, Mara, Francesca. In one capacity or another each of these women has impacted my life. In laughter, in comfort, in company, in knowledge they have all shared a part of themself with the three of us. When one transitions to a new culture, in particular with a new language, the process can be overwhelming to say the least. Having been there before, these women have supported us in our transformation and acclimation into the life of a foreigner living abroad. My experience here would not be the same without each of them, and I am a better person for knowing them all.

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