Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just thought I'd add a few more shots. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a nice weekend. I'm working on this electronic/digital movie project with my kids right now at school and the days fly by. I'm giving them 2 weeks to finish the project. I need them to have it done by the 11 of Oct. as the 8th grade travels to Curitiba Brazil the week of the 16. The trip will involve additional projects and assignments, so they need to finish this one first. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

The project after Curitiba will involve some type of community service as we are having the kids analyze "Quality of Life" as defined by multiple factors: education, environment, leisure time, habitat, economics, love/relationships. Curitiba is ranked 3rd best quality of life or place to live in Brazil. I am anticipating working with the area of habitat as I think it would be a phenomenal experience to work on something with the fahvelas (slums) here to rebuild or build housing. I'll keep you all posted.

Until then, here are a few more shots. Some from the balcony of the apartment. I need to pinch myself sometimes when I sit out there and realize what a beautiful landscape I have with the trans atlantic rainforest in my front yard, the atlantic ocean across the neighborhood next door and the mountains just behind me.

Natural wonders are breathtaking. Our God is an awesome God. The picture of the domelike structure is the Rio Cathedral. I find it rather unique architecture for a church. Don't you agree?

Muitos beijos para minha amigas e minha familia! (ha, the Portuguese is coming along!)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Sounds like you are doing great! I love your blog...