Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I am battling insomia. I have too much on my mind. I feel tired, but as soon as I lay down, I can't sleep. I am facing a major change, and I feel great about it but have so much to do. I started this blog in 2006 as a way to chronicle my adventure to Brasil. Looking back, re-reading, it is clear that I have learned and grown leaps and bounds. I am not the same person I was when I arrived here.  So I thought it might be fun to redo this entry--call it a comparitive study. The then and the now...
I am: powerful
I know: what I want
I want: to make a difference in the world
I have: to sell my car
I miss: Rio (and I haven't even left yet)
I feel: blessed with opportunity
I hear: the rain forest, a neighborhood dog, and the hum of an A/C
I smell: wet Earth
I crave: stimulation
I cry: when I think about the distance between friends
I search: understanding
I wonder: who my friends will be in AL
I regret: nothing
I love: being amazing
I worry: about not having enough time to travel
I remember: moments that make my stomach hurt from laughing
I dance: as often as I can
I don't: say "shouldn't have"
I argue: almost never
I write: more and more
I win: strength
I lose: nothing--other than the "stuff" I am giving away due to an international move
I wish: some people could come with me always
I listen: more than I used to
I can usually be found: thinking
I am scared: of regret
I need: to be passionate
I forget: what it was like to be unhappy

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