I am busting with gratitude!!I am so grateful in this moment I could cry tears of joy. And to think a couple of hours ago I was feeling no inspiration for a new blog post.
I am scheduled for minor surgery tomorrow morning. Nothing major--just a hysterctomy (a major step in prevention due to the extensive cancer history in my family). This surgery is performed daily around the world with great success. I have read everything I could get my hands on about what will take place. I have met for literally hours with my primary dr., my ob-gyn, and my surgeon. I have immense faith in all three of these professionals. I am feeling very comfortable with what will ensue in the next 12 hours. Even knowing that I will be undergoing this surgery in a language other than English.
I am used to taking care of me. It's what I've had to do. To a point, in our adult lives, I think we all grow accustomed to this. Yes, I have a loving and giving family, but I have managed to live so far away from them for most of my adult life that I have prevented them the opportunity to "help" (physically) when times of need arise. I rely on them for prayer and council and guidance and a quick kick in the rear from time to time.
Let me just say the members of my Brazilian family are incredible people!! I was showered with hugs and thumbs up throughout the day today and as I exited school, wishing me well during tomorrow's surgery.
My very good friend, Barrie, has taken one of her two personal days to accompany me to the hospital in the morning and sit there with me all day.
My very good friend, Suzanne, is on her way to my house now to spend the night and rise with Sierra, maintaining responsibility for my angel for the days to come. AND...
I just received a phone call from my very good friend, Ana, who insists on making her way to the hospital tomorrow night to keep me company through the night!
Unbelievable!!! Thank you thank you thank you. I am forever grateful!!