Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Pizza Anyone?

A very funny story from today...
I was teaching my last class of the day, and Joe came in with a box of brigadeiros (a traditional Brazilian candy present at all parties) for me to share with the middle school faculty at our meeting after school. The box looked like a cardboard pizza box. Since I was teaching, Joe walked in without talking to me, set the box on my back cabinet, and left. As he walked out the classroom door, he said, "I'll see you later, I love you." I replied, "ok, I love you."
Once gone, my student looked at me and said, "Ms. Sara, that was kind of unethical." I said, "What?" The student replied, "You just told the pizza guy you love him!" Nearing hysterical laughter, I replied, "oh, Thomaz, that's not pizza it's brigadeiros and that's my husband!"

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