Wednesday, July 18, 2007

City Cousin meets Country Cousin
We journeyed to Duluth, MN last weekend to spend a couple of days with Joe's brother and his family. Duluth is in northern MN and is located on the shores of Lake Superior, the largest lake in North America. Although Duluth is a major MN city, it is still a little like the country for as quiet as it really is.
Sierra prepared for her visit to the country by "test driving" this old steam engine at a gas station enroute to Duluth.

We arrived at Joe's brother's house late Sat. evening and spent the night visiting, but on Sunday we ventured to the pier to watch a ship come through the canal after the lift bridge was raised.

Here are Sierra and Erin with the Duluth lighthouse in the background. At one point, Joe's brother Jason came to me and said, "I really wish those two would get along." In actuality you couldn't get the two of them separated. They are only 3 months apart in age and have become great friends.

On Sunday afternoon, I found Sierra and Erin shooting clay pigeons with wrist rockets! My Sierra....hmmmm...she didn't even know what a wrist rocket was before last weekend with her country cousin Erin. The greatest moment was when Trish and I heard the girls screaming and laughing. We paused for a minute to determine if it was happy screams or painful screams, only to be bombarded by two 8 year olds exclaiming, "We broke the plates!!"


Tammy said...

Hmmm...what IS a wrist rocket?? :)

Sara Wicht said...

IT's a glorified sling shot that has a part that goes around your wrist for stability. I remember my brother having one when I was a kid. Ironically, Sierra asked this same question when Erin asked if she wanted to play with it, "What is a wrist rocket?" too funny