Unfortunately, I don't have my camera every time we go out. Yesterday, I needed it on two ocassions. Instead of photos, I'll have to rely on my storytelling skills to transmit the events.
We went to the Lagoa with another family from EARJ for lunch. Jennifer is another expat teacher originally from southern California, her husband Valdir is Brazilian, completing his PhD in French, and they have an adorable 11 month old daughter, Sophia. Sierra has been craving baby contact as she misses our former neighbor, Destinee, her cousin Colin and our dear friends The Marins. So, Jennifer and I talked about a play date for Sierra to get her "fix". Also, we have been meaning to get together with Valdir and Jennifer in a social setting vs. work. The afternoon accomplished both objectives.
As we were sitting at a Churrasca (barbeque place) on the Lagoa, Joe looks toward the lake and spies a vendor passing by selling Globos, a common brazilian snack, similar to a funion but not an onion flavor, they are made with Aipim (yuka). They're actually one of my preferred snacks here. Anyway, the point is not what the man was selling the point is that he was wearing one of those umbrella hats!!! Joe immediately said, "Ah, you need your camera for a picture of the man's hat to send to your mom!" All of you who know my mother, know that she loves her silly, carnival like accessories. The windshield washer glasses, the kazoo, harmonicas and the Umbrella hat!! We had a good chuckle at the fact that fun and crazy Brazilians like Mom exist.
Then, we rented a 4 passenger bike thing. I guess I'm not sure how to describe it. It's like a cart that you sit and peddle around. I remember seeing this same contraption on the boardwalk in Galveston, so I think it's a popular beachfront/lakefront passtime. Sierra was in the front, small, child seat, Joe and I were on the benchseat peddling. The "bike" has a canopy. We peddled around the Lagoa, which is about 5 miles (7.5 km). 1/2 way around we passed an area that had many many splatterings of white on the trees and the sidewalk. Joe says to Sierra, "Hey, Sierra what do you think this white stuff is. Mom doesn't think it's bird poo but I do. What do you think?" Sierra turns and says to me, "What do you think it is mom?" As I'm saying, "Well, bird poo..." Sierra gets splattered!!! Right at the moment we were discussing whether or not it was actually bird poop, a bird pooped, it hit the canopy and splashed all over Sierra sitting in the front!!! I laughed until I cried. Luckily Joe had a napkin in a plastic bag from some place he had been, he started carrying it in his pocket in case of emergency. Sierra was able to wipe off the poo from her face, arms, legs, hair....A person couldn't have scripted the event to occur in the way it did! So, Joe and Sierra decided that it is now Mom's turn to be pooped on as Joe was pooped on while sitting in a lawn chair at Grandma and grandpa's before we moved, Sierra got it here, Mom is next! Let's hope they are not correct!!!
Today looks finally sunny. I think we will head to the beach. I feel like I just woke up but it is all ready 10:30. I am traveling this week for work. We take the kids to Curitiba, Brazil for 5 days. Should be interesting. As long as I can get myself to the airport on time, 6:30 a.m., I'll feel fine. Much love to all of you. Big hugs and huge kisses!!!