Monday, October 23, 2006
I survived!!! 5 days and 4 nights with 70 eighth graders! On the airplane, in the hotel, on and off the bus, through countless parks and activities....what a week...
Where do I even begin to talk about what an exciting and exhausting weekend it was?
The first picture here is of me and one of my favorite students--Juni. She is both my advisee and my student in English class. She and her family have just moved to Rio from Norway. She is so sweet and many of my students, her classmates, say we are like mother and daughter. I chalk it up to the fact that we are both lighthaired, fair complected and attempting to learn this language.
This next landscape shot was taken while on a train ride through the edge of the Iguacu National forest. We spent 3 hours on the train, traveling over 125 year old bridges and taking in the lush and beautiful landscape.
The last shot is of the building at the botanical gardens in Curitiba. It reminded me of the St. Paul Conservatory at Como Park. Although the flowers were all outside on the lawns and most of the greenery inside was strictly tree/bush plants with very little flowering plants. The building is beautiful though. Mr. Luiz, the science teacher on my team is in the foreground with another of our students--Bia.
We teachers were all pretty tired when we returned to Rio at 8 p.m. Friday night. I was grateful to have survived. I miss Sierra and Joe while I was gone, although neither of them seemed to even notice my absence. (j/k)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
It was a beautiful, HOT, spring day in Brazil. We spent almost the entire day at the beach in Ipenema! Sierra enjoyed her first coca. She had drunk the juice before today, but hadn't had them split it open for her to scrape out the "meat". Here she is with part of her coca, soaking up the sand and sea amidst her new Brazilian neighbors. Last night, spontaneously, she said to me, "Mom, I like it here!" If you only knew how great that made my heart feel! To the right, you can see the Brazilian airforce during a surprise air show this morning in Ipenema and Leblon. We were just lucky enough to be at the beach watching. We didn't know it was happening. There were 7 jets entertaining beachbums for about an hour.
By special request from Vicks, to the right, you have my best attempt at capturing a pic of a Brasiliero in a sunga! Actually, I think there are 3 who qualify in this shot. There were so many people on the beach today, it was hard to even see who was around you. Sierra walked 50 meters to get cleaned off in the shower, two times, and had a hard time
navigating her way back to us through the chairs,
umbrellas, and swimsuits! Good thing we were both watching.
We went to the Lagoa with another family from EARJ for lunch. Jennifer is another expat teacher originally from southern California, her husband Valdir is Brazilian, completing his PhD in French, and they have an adorable 11 month old daughter, Sophia. Sierra has been craving baby contact as she misses our former neighbor, Destinee, her cousin Colin and our dear friends The Marins. So, Jennifer and I talked about a play date for Sierra to get her "fix". Also, we have been meaning to get together with Valdir and Jennifer in a social setting vs. work. The afternoon accomplished both objectives.
As we were sitting at a Churrasca (barbeque place) on the Lagoa, Joe looks toward the lake and spies a vendor passing by selling Globos, a common brazilian snack, similar to a funion but not an onion flavor, they are made with Aipim (yuka). They're actually one of my preferred snacks here. Anyway, the point is not what the man was selling the point is that he was wearing one of those umbrella hats!!! Joe immediately said, "Ah, you need your camera for a picture of the man's hat to send to your mom!" All of you who know my mother, know that she loves her silly, carnival like accessories. The windshield washer glasses, the kazoo, harmonicas and the Umbrella hat!! We had a good chuckle at the fact that fun and crazy Brazilians like Mom exist.
Then, we rented a 4 passenger bike thing. I guess I'm not sure how to describe it. It's like a cart that you sit and peddle around. I remember seeing this same contraption on the boardwalk in Galveston, so I think it's a popular beachfront/lakefront passtime. Sierra was in the front, small, child seat, Joe and I were on the benchseat peddling. The "bike" has a canopy. We peddled around the Lagoa, which is about 5 miles (7.5 km). 1/2 way around we passed an area that had many many splatterings of white on the trees and the sidewalk. Joe says to Sierra, "Hey, Sierra what do you think this white stuff is. Mom doesn't think it's bird poo but I do. What do you think?" Sierra turns and says to me, "What do you think it is mom?" As I'm saying, "Well, bird poo..." Sierra gets splattered!!! Right at the moment we were discussing whether or not it was actually bird poop, a bird pooped, it hit the canopy and splashed all over Sierra sitting in the front!!! I laughed until I cried. Luckily Joe had a napkin in a plastic bag from some place he had been, he started carrying it in his pocket in case of emergency. Sierra was able to wipe off the poo from her face, arms, legs, hair....A person couldn't have scripted the event to occur in the way it did! So, Joe and Sierra decided that it is now Mom's turn to be pooped on as Joe was pooped on while sitting in a lawn chair at Grandma and grandpa's before we moved, Sierra got it here, Mom is next! Let's hope they are not correct!!!
Today looks finally sunny. I think we will head to the beach. I feel like I just woke up but it is all ready 10:30. I am traveling this week for work. We take the kids to Curitiba, Brazil for 5 days. Should be interesting. As long as I can get myself to the airport on time, 6:30 a.m., I'll feel fine. Much love to all of you. Big hugs and huge kisses!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
We spent this morning horseback riding in the mountains. Here is a picture of Sierra getting ready to go. The stirrups were a little short so the farmhand cut a new hole in the strap to shorten the stirrup for her. She rode this very gentle, old man horse (the horse is 20 years old). She did beautifully!
We rode leisurely for about an hour to a small waterfall and lagoa with rocks where we saw a hermit crab and adolescent tadpoles making their way to the pool of water. At this stop we let the horses rest, stretched our legs and after a short rest ventured back to the farm. It was a beautiful day!!! Rain was predicted, but we only experienced a few light sprinkles as we were mounting the horses and beginning the journey. The rest of the time it was overcast and cool. It was a perfect day for a ride. And the scenery was unbelievable. The foliage in this tropical climate still takes my breath away. The plants and flowers and fruit trees growing all around us is unbelievable.
The mountains are full of banana trees and the people who live there make their living growing, farming, and selling bananas. About half way up we were delighted to see two horses with large baskets full of bananas on their backs while the farmer walked slowly behind. The horses appeared to have muzzles on their faces made of woven basketlike materials, perhaps bamboo, I think they may have been feed sacks for the animals, but that was not confirmed.
When we turned the road to come back to the farm, we could sense the horses were smelling "home" as the pace of their gait increased and they started vying for first place. Sierra's old man horse decided he wanted to take the lead. I think our guide from the farm got a little nervous that the horse would go faster than Sierra wanted, but he didn't. Sierra remained calm, steering the horse all the way home. She told me the trick was that she talked to the horse the entire time. Thanking him for carrying her the whole way, understanding that he must be tired and thirsty, and reassuring him that she is grateful for his help as she wouldn't want to walk the path up the hill we were traveling! She's so thoughtful!!
Surprisingly, this evening my bum is not too sore. I feel the saddle, but it is not too terribly uncomfortable. I have to admit the 2.5/3 hours on horseback was extremely refreshing. There's nothing that compares to the feeling of being out in the open air with the animal and nature. Not to mention enjoying it all with fabulous company. This is the second "tour" type activity we have done with a tour company here in Rio. We have used the same company both times: rio hiking. The guides both times were phenomenal. Great company, knowledgeable about vegetation and area, and kind. We will probably hire them for other trips while we are here. I am now considered a "client" vs. a "tourist" as I have used them on more than on occasion. :-)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Well, here are 3 pictures of the toucans that were noisely playing outside my classroom last month. The two birds successfully distracted me from completing over an hour's worth of work (I hope my boss doesn't know this blog address!) I couldn't stop watching them. They were so loud, colorful, wild, and smart. One would call to the other, when the second replied and flew near the first they fed each other and continued a lunchtime conversation! It was an amazing display of natural beauty! I realize the pictures aren't the greatest in quality, but they should provide a visual. :-) p.s. you may have to click on the picture to enlarge it enough to actually see the bird.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Students at left hard at work on the finishing touches of their movie. Ms. Florence in the background overseeing their decisions.
I really wish that movie files weren't so big, and I could upload a couple of the digital movies the kids have made during class to this site. I am so impressed with the work the kids have done over the last 2 weeks. Some of them would impress Steven Spielberg! Amazing ideas and creativity and symbolism not to mention the fact that they were all engaged 100% of the time.
2 computers...6 kids and all of them working! It's almost unheard of.
I am adding a few pictures of kids working on their projects. We've been talking about ways of sharing this work. The aged old question: What happens now? has come up at lunch with a couple of staff members. Students have electronic portfolios, but the movie files are too large to allow 21 digital movies to occupy the server space. We will certainly create DVD copies of all the movies for each student and me to have a personal copy. I am also considering sending one copy to Oak View in MN for the English teacher there to use as a way to introduce the novels to her students. I haven't talked to Liv or Rachel directly yet, so I'm not sure they would even want them, but it might be a cool idea. Kids sharing what they've read, interesting one another in a particular title, trying to outdo each other in product. I think it's a rather intriguing thought. We'll see.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Ziggy Marley and Rio de Janeiro....
2 of my favorite things
Life doesn't get much better than this! Saturday night, or more accurately, early Sunday morning, Ziggy played live in Rio (Lapa technically, a district of Rio near Centro and a short city bus ride from home) and I enjoyed every minute of it despite the fact that I returned home only at 4:45 a.m. The clouds and rain made sleeping most of the day Sunday easy after a late night. Thankfully, I had all of my work done, nothing pressing for attention, Joe watching over Sierra and her friend, and I was actually able to sleep.
Ziggy started at 2 a.m. What an experience! He recently released a new album, "Love is my Religion" but continues to resemble his father in sound and stage presence. He didn't do anything acoustic, which was a little disappointing. When I saw him in 2001, he did a whole set without the band and covered several Bob Marley songs--my favorite acoustic version "Redemption Song". Although he covered many of his late father's music, Ziggy's new music is really good and the crowd participation last night was quite the experience to be a part of.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ok, she's a superstar!! Sierra participated, per invitation, in the senior fashion show last Sat. She was FABULOUS! The first shot to the right is her on the catwalk with her senior escort and the second is taken at our front door in her sassy Brazilian outfit! She was actually nervous, which surprised a couple of upper school teachers who have come to know her as her routinely outgoing self. She managed to overcome her anxiety before showtime though and smiled grandly around the stage! I was so proud.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
We also drove past a former hotel/casino where many famous Hollywood actors have stayed throughout history, including Fred Astaire! The German influence on the architecture of the city was interesting to see as well. The hotel/casino looks like a Swiss Chalet or something one would see in Vienna.
While in Petropolis, we also stopped at Casa de Santos Dumont, the man of aviation in the country. Below is a picture of Sierra--"looking off in the distance" while standing on the stairs leading to the house. (It's the way she wanted the picture to be taken). The most interesting part of the structure of the house was the stairs, which were cut so that you had to step on the right side of the first step and proceed up, or down, in that pattern. Santos Dumont personally designed these stairs because he was a firm believer in the superstition that one has good luck if they always begin with their right foot forward! The next picture is of birds of paradise growing in the gardens at the royal palace. They are a beautiful flower. One of many beautiful plants found in the tropical climate of Brazil.
On the way to Petropolis from Rio you travel a winding road up and through the mountains, leaving Petropolis you follow a different road to go down. The royal family chose Petropolis to escape the heat of Rio. About half way up, traffic suddenly got really bad. We spent many minutes at a complete standstill and then we would creep forward a few meters and stop again. Then, we realized that we were seeing many people walking from ahead with crates of beer! 12 bottles to a crate. I watched one man take a bottle out of the crate being carried by another, seemingly stranger, and they were cordial to each other. There got to be so many crates of beer being carried that our driver rolled down his window and asked a passerby, "has there been an accident up ahead with a beer truck?" Sure enough!!! A semi carrying beer had taken a corner too sharp, his load of crates of bottles of beer must not have been secure and several hundred crates fell off! In the process, a few thousand bottles broke on the side of the road, but several dozen crates survived the fall and became open market for anyone passing by! It was quite funny. Had I thought of it at the time, I would have taken a picture of the broken bottles on the side of the road because it is indescribable. We were offered beer by pedestrians, but we declined as we were in a vehicle. One can never guess what they will see when they adventure out in this country.
I am going to close and publish this post and later I will add some more photos as Sierra was a model in the upper school, SENIOR's Fashion Show at EARJ last night!!! I will share those shots in a few.
Much love and beijos to all...