Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chasing the Rainbow (Part 3)
Passion. Integrity. Perspective. Humility


I have stared at this picture for 15 minutes straight. I see a young woman, looking away. Some people see an elderly lady when they look at this picture. Am I wrong in thinking it’s a young woman? Are others wrong for thinking it’s an old lady? Is it possible that it is both, at the same time?
How many arguments have you had in your life that revolved around perspective? How many hours have you spent of your (insert age) years trying to convince another person to “see it your way”? I know I have spent countless.
In my younger years, I would get frustrated and often angry when I was unsuccessful in getting the other person to see things my way. Then, somewhere along the lines, I grew up a little—only a little because I continue to grow even though I’m pushin 40! What I realize is that it’s ok if another person doesn’t see my same reality or if I don’t understand hers. However, it’s NOT ok if I fail to recognize that the other reality exists, I don’t have to understand or agree with it. That’s where my thoughts about perspective become crucial.
If you combine passion and integrity with perspective, it is imperative to recognize the emotional element, and emotion forces us to respond/react to a situation instead of think about the the parts of the situation. Passion risks emotional drive, yet integrity pulls that emotion back to the bigger picture where perspective plays a part.
Take for example the film I Heart Huckabees.
The main character goes to an existential counselor for intervention. In his initial consultation, Lily Tomlin’s character says, “My associate will look at your case from a different angle.” He asks, “What angle?” And Tomlin replies, “He will investigate your perception of reality.”
The film goes on to demonstrate how reality and perception influence our actions, our existence. A couple of the characters end up pretty messed up…check out the film. In the end, it’s what I believe to be essential to our interdependence.
We crave being understood. We seek to understand others and our existence and what it all means. Sometimes we search self-awareness through others, seems oxymoronic in some ways.
The bottom line: if we let go of our egos, believe that those around us do not intentionally do things to hurt us, look for understanding in where the other comes from, discourse and interaction will never go wrong. It doesn’t mean we always agree. It means we give up having to be “right” or finding the "wrong". It means we develop compassion and empathy.

Although I have tried, I still don’t see the old lady. Does that mean she doesn’t exist? No, it means I must remain open to understanding that someone else sees her. That someone else could maybe point her out for me, help me to see something in a new way and grow.

1 comment:

leningcredit said...

Faccio prestiti tra privati alle persone in difficoltà finanziarie e capace di rimborsare la somma presa in prestito . Le mie condizioni di prestito sono semplici e ben definiti . Ho una quantità significativa di capitale che può concedere un prestito per gli individui e le scadenze saranno impostati in base al vostro budget mensile . Se avete dei progetti da fare o se siete in difficoltà finanziarie potete contattarmi via mail il più rapidamente possibile con la quantità, la durata e il vostro prestito sapendo che il mio tasso di interesse è del 2%.