Monday, December 10, 2007

Stubborn Moth

This morning, while getting ready for school, I hear Sierra scream, "MOOOOOMMMM! Come here please." I entered her bathroom to find this lovely fellow inside her cabinet.Joe spent some time today trying to evict the visitor from our apartment, to no avail. He shooed it from the bathroom only for it to fly back into the house through Sierra's bedroom window. He chased it around a little more, managed to shoe it back outside only for it to fly back into the house through our bedroom window. He gave up. Obviously, this refugee moth requires respite and shelter. Who are we to kick it out? So, here it perches, on the ceiling in the hallway between Sierra's bathroom and bedroom. I think she's scoping Sierra's earrings and necklaces!


Tammy said...

Wow...that looks giant - like a bird. How big is it?

Anonymous said...

He (or is it she) is very pretty. I guess if you shoo it outside, it might not survive very long.